Cognition, Value and Behavior

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Lee Elkin, Ph.D.


Lee Elkin received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at the LMU Munich in 2017. After completing his Ph.D., Lee was a postdoctoral researcher in the ANR-DFG funded project, "Collective Attitude Formation," based at the Université Paris Est-Créteil from 2017-2019. He joined the CVBE shortly after as a postdoctoral researcher in a NOMIS funded project focused on diversity and volatility in social environments, led by Ophelia Deroy and Bahador Bahrami. He is currently working on issues relating to probabilistic belief aggregation and collective decision-making under normative uncertainty.

Research Topics

Formal epistemology, philosophy of science, decision theory, philosophy of cognitive science

Further Information

Recent Publications

Colombo, M., Elkin, L., & Hartmann, S. (forthcoming). Being realist about Bayes, and the predictive processing theory of mind. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, axy059.

Elkin, L., & Wheeler, G. (2018). Resolving peer disagreements through imprecise probabilities. Noûs, 52(2), 260-278.