Cognition, Value and Behavior

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Klaus Harisch, Ph.D.

Klaus Harisch, Ph.D.

Associate Researcher

Research Focus

Human physical and mental faculties must be understood within the framework of a dissipative structure. The Dual Dissipation Theory (DDT) offers a consistent solution for the development of mental capabilities from single-cells, alliances of cells up to alliances of humans and related information-flows on each level.

The core statement of DDT: The structure-forming entity for mental faculties (consciousness, cognition, ...) is information, in addition to the structure-forming entity energy (matter), which creates the body in dissipation (metabolism). Thus every living being is to be understood as a dual dissipative structure. Its existence is based on flux. This holds both for the phylogenetic perspective and for the ontogenetic perspective.

The functional frame is adaptation, whether it is evolutionary adaptation or neuronal adaptation, which leads directly to support the concept of predictive processing. On this basis, it is possible to explain the genesis of different types of consciousness, which emerge especially in humans, like time consciousness and ego- or I-consciousness. This results in a theory of the system brain, as part of the human system, as part of a social system (culture). Any living system can only be fully understood by taking into account interactions with its environment throughout its history.

Related Philosophical Concepts

  • Heraclitus ("panta rhei")
  • Aristotle ("final cause")
  • Cartesius ("Cartesian Cut vs. New Cut")
  • Kant ("How is cognition possible")

Related Neuroscienentific Concepts

  • Predictive Processing (Helmholtz)
  • Free Energy Principle (Friston)

Related Physics

  • Dissipative Structures (Prigogine)
  • Minimum Entropy Production Principle MEPP (Prigogine)